About admin

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So far admin has created 30 blog entries.

When Karen Calls Your Business

Are you treating your callers well? More often than not, the demeanor you experience when interacting with your callers is a direct result the [...]

Why EVERY Business Owner Should Anonymously Call Their Own Company

By Chad Everaert The Caller Experience can be described as the treatment that a customer receives during a call to your business, and the feeling [...]

The Ultimate Frontline Worker For Automotive Dealerships

By Todd Shearon THE ULTIMATE FRONTLINE WORKER No doubt Covid has changed the way we do business. Now more than ever, phone systems have become [...]

2022-01-19T18:21:48+00:00September 23rd, 2020|Business Phone, Customer Service, IVR Service, On Hold Messaging|

Time to upgrade your phone system?

Before you make any decisions, be sure to notify your provider that you use HPC for your on-hold messaging and that your new system needs to be able to accommodate either a digital file upload or be able interface a hardware message player.

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