Why On-Hold Messaging is a valuable tool for Credit Unions

A survey by Inbound Telephone Call Center reports that 94% of all marketing budgets are spent on inducing a customer to call, while [...]

2024-01-15T18:38:44+00:00January 15th, 2024|Business Phone, Customer Service, On Hold Messaging, Uncategorized|

How do I get an on-hold message for my business?

Telephone systems.  Hardware.  Content.  Various other technical doohickeys.  There is a lot of work and consideration that goes into the creation and deployment of [...]

When Karen Calls Your Business

Are you treating your callers well? More often than not, the demeanor you experience when interacting with your callers is a direct result the [...]

Why EVERY Business Owner Should Anonymously Call Their Own Company

By Chad Everaert The Caller Experience can be described as the treatment that a customer receives during a call to your business, and the feeling [...]

Time to upgrade your phone system?

Before you make any decisions, be sure to notify your provider that you use HPC for your on-hold messaging and that your new system needs to be able to accommodate either a digital file upload or be able interface a hardware message player.

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