Ever called a business and feel like you’ve interrupted someone before their morning coffee? Have a hard time getting someone to even pick up the phone? Recall your impression?

Save your callers from a similar experience with a little planning. An automated answering service allows you to present the best face of your business, with every call!

But where to begin?

An IVR service provider can plan your call answering and routing with an Auto Attendant or offer other efficient service features from a comprehensive Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. It all depends on what your business requires!

Auto Attendant: Forming First Impressions

Auto Attendant messages are professional voiceover recordings used to answer calls in place of a receptionist. They’re the first thing you hear when you call a business and their goal is to welcome callers, identify the business they’re calling, and provide information to help callers connect to the party or department they wish to speak with.

An Auto Attendant also provides your business the chance to craft a unique audio signature; creating brand consistency and a positive, reassuring customer experience.

While it does a very important job, an Auto Attendant is a ”dumb” system and is limited to simpler tasks.

IVR: The Smart System

An IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a “smart” system designed to automate tasks involving numbers and yes/no answers. This type of system is instrumental in shortening call queues, resulting in significant savings in time and money!

Are your customers calling about:

  • Making payments over the telephone?
  • answers to frequently asked questions?
  • ordering goods?
  • account balances?
  • and more?

Then your business can benefit from IVR! Callers can input commands via touch tone keypad, or speak them into the phone, and get back the information they need. Plus, you can gather and compile information on call routing, purchasing, record keeping, sales, marketing and more.

From removing the need for a receptionist with a simple Auto Attendant, to providing instant service and eliminating wait times with a robust IVR system, an effective automated answering service is the key to happy customers, cost savings and a lasting first impression. Every time!

Speak with an IVR service provider today. After all, happier customers mean better business!