“Would you like fries with that?”

As an upsell, it works, but it’s a bit of a tired line. If your sales need a little boost, you may be considering in-store messaging. Instead of making the same boring announcements, you can make sure your customers and your employees hear a fresh, interesting, and engaging message about your products and promotions, in a professional voice over, using your PA system. You can even throw in light jokes, or seasonally themed music to keep your customers in a great mood!

But Wait There’s More, With Audio Advertising!

Here’s something to put you in great mood, too. Did you know that besides advertising your business, there’s even great revenue opportunities lurking in Audio Advertising In-Store? Instead of having every message about you, you can ease the budget a little by selling advertisements or airtime directly to suppliers of the products you carry. You’ll also get more variety in your in-store messaging, so your customers are hearing something different.

Sounds great, right? There are a few factors to consider before you tune in completely.

So You Think You Can Upsell?

The reason our fry example works is simple, you’re hungry and you’re already there ordering a burger. Why not make it a meal? You know your products best; can they be upsold? Maybe you frequently have deals and promotions customers can take advantage of? If the answer is yes, then In-store messaging is a great way to increase sales opportunities and add a polished face to your advertising with professional voice over.


Quiet Over There, We’re Advertising!

We’re not saying you’re not great; some businesses just won’t find In-Store Messaging useful.

If you’re a:

  • Small store or office
  • Quiet environment (i.e. medical practice)
  • Loud, sociable atmosphere (bars and restaurants) – Hey is this thing on?

In this case, bigger is better!

Slow Browsers Can Be A Good Thing!

In general, the longer your customers spend shopping, the more you’d benefit from in-store messaging. For example, consider how long you normally spend browsing in places like:

  • Big Box Stores
  • Grocery Stores and Markets
  • Shopping Malls
  • Automotive Dealerships

These are prime candidates, because they have captive audience for longer.

The Right Choice for You!

The usefulness of in-store messaging boils down to two main concerns:

  • Product or Services that can be upsold.
  • A steady flow of customers coming in long enough to hear your message.

So, does it sound like you’d benefit from this type of upselling technique?

If you’ve got the right products and environment, the right in-store messaging provider can assist you.