When you run a business, every call counts.

According to Oren Harari of The Tom Peters Group, “8 to 15% of a company’s customer base is lost each year, 68% is due to indifferent or negative phone treatment.”

Large corporations might be able to brush those numbers off, but if you own a small, home-based businesses, they can quickly add up.

Small Business, Big Impression.

The good news? Improving the caller experience and reducing hang-ups is easy and affordable with on-hold messages. A polished first impression with a professional voiceover will also reinforce that though your company may be small, you’re capable of great things.

The bad news? Typical home telephones aren’t compatible with standard on-hold messaging playback hardware.

But never fear, great alternatives are here!

There are two options that will allow you to utilize an on-hold messaging service and provide other features that a traditional home phone setup cannot. Now the question becomes: which one is right for you?

You’ve Got Options

The simplest solution is an easy-to-install telephone system made specially for small businesses. It’s a good place to start if you’re taking the first steps to establish your business and you’re not quite ready to sign up with a new service provider.

  • Telephone hardware systems: These multi-handset systems are available for small businesses that have built-in audio inputs for connecting on-hold messaging hardware playback devices. These units are available in wired or wireless configurations and are very affordable and scalable. Systems like the V-Tech 4-Line Small Business System could work for you, but a knowledgeable on-hold message service provider can help you select the right system.

If you’re looking to take your phone service from beginner to pro-level, a VOIP service is a great way to get more for your business and allows you to set up an on-hold message, too.

  • Cloud based VOIP service providers: There are numerous affordable, cloud-based Voice Over IP (VOIP) solutions for home business systems. These systems work through internet protocol and typically allow for a digital file to be uploaded to the system and played back when callers are placed on hold. There is no hardware required and users can usually load their messages themselves through a secure portal or have their service provider do it for them.

    A great cloud based VOIP service can also increase your mobility, by allowing for remote work on any device, as well as provide more security with enhanced encryption methods, and safer connections.

Ready to start making the most out of every second your customers wait on hold? Speak with an on-hold message provider today to get advice on the right system for your home business and upgrade to a customer experience that makes a big impact.