There are countless benefits to utilizing an on-hold messaging service, but are you getting the most value for your advertising dollar?

Is there a “wrong” way to use on-hold messages for your business?

The short answer is yes, but let us explain…

While on-hold messages are unique to each specific business, there are a few key missteps that all companies should avoid to maximize their investment and keep callers informed and entertained.

#1 – Choosing the style or genre of music that they like.

“They” being the business owner or person in charge of procuring the service. The major mistake here is that they aren’t thinking of their customer demographic and what the culture of their brand stands for.

You wouldn’t choose rock music for a funeral home; the two simply do not go together. Try to put yourself in your customers shoes and imagine what they would want to hear.

#2 – Choosing the wrong “tone” for their on hold message.

Many business owners list selling as their ultimate goal and therefore treat their on-hold message as a commercial to feature their products and services. This is not always the best approach. It’s important to first identify the intended outcome of the typical inbound call to your business. Knowing that information can lead you to creating the best content possible.

For example, a retail company frequently receives calls for product inquires so utilizing a sales approach to content (listing product brands, prices, sales, etc.) is very acceptable and beneficial. On the other hand, most of the calls to medical offices are made to schedule appointments so arming callers with the appropriate info required to make the appointment (health card numbers, patient history etc.) is a more useful approach.

#3 – Trying to squeeze too much content into the allotted time.

When a caller is bombarded with too much information, they tend to tune out completely or blur the content they have just heard, thus negating the purpose of the on-hold message. Knowing that the call could be answered by a representative at any minute, it is important to keep the content to shorter, concise thoughts. It is also imperative to leave adequate space between messages so the caller has some time to digest what they’ve just heard.

Imagine a retail business listing EVERY sale item in their current flyer. Callers will not remember a 4-minute “grocery list” of products and prices and will quickly become overwhelmed. A more effective approach would be to list a few of the best deals per message and elaborate on the usage benefits of them.

#4 – Not changing the content of the message with the needs of their business.

Many companies think they simply need a recording that thanks their callers for their business and offers static info like business hours, etc. In truth, that accounts for a very small portion of an effective on-hold message. The real benefit comes from providing content that is relevant to the company “right now”. For most businesses, this valuable information changes monthly, weekly, or even daily. So rather than provide your callers with a simple courtesy message, provide them with some real value that will help them quickly get the information they need to do business with you.

Learn why the holiday season is the perfect time to update your on hold messaging here.