As a business owner, you know that the customer experience is everything. And while most of the focus goes to the first moments of interaction—greeting a caller, answering their questions, or solving their problems—there’s another crucial moment that often gets overlooked: when your callers are waiting on hold.
In today’s fast-paced world, no one likes being put on hold, and a poor experience during that wait can quickly sour a customer’s perception of your company. But with just a few thoughtful adjustments, you can turn this waiting time into a positive part of the interaction. Here’s how to speak to callers waiting on hold and keep them engaged, calm, and satisfied.
1. Be Polite, Calm, and Reassuring
Tone matters—especially when your caller is on hold. The last thing you want is for your team to sound rushed or stressed, as that can translate into impatience on the other end of the line. Speak slowly, clearly, and with genuine calmness.
Being polite and reassuring makes the whole experience feel smoother. Remind your team that their tone is key in keeping the atmosphere friendly, even if the wait is long.
“Thanks again for your call, we’re working as quickly as we can to get to you.”
This lets the caller know that their call is important, and you’re doing everything you can to assist them.

2. Engage with Value: Offer Information or Alternatives
The waiting period is the perfect opportunity to engage your customers with valuable information. Whether it’s a quick update about your services, an answer to a frequently asked question, or even a reminder of your business hours, providing helpful content during the wait can make the experience feel less like a chore.
You can also provide alternatives to stay connected without forcing the customer to wait in line. For example, offering the option to leave a voicemail shows your callers that their time is important to you.
“While you’re waiting, feel free to check out our website for answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.”
This not only keeps the caller engaged but also reduces their potential frustration.
3. Use Hold Music Wisely
Let’s be real—hold music can make or break a caller’s experience. That endless loop of elevator music or loud, annoying jingles is a surefire way to turn your caller’s patience into frustration.
Invest in music or a series of pre-recorded messages that are calm and pleasant. Keep it simple and unobtrusive, so it doesn’t add to the tension of the wait. You can even change up the music periodically to keep it from becoming too repetitive.
For a bonus touch, consider adding useful information in the form of recorded messages while the caller waits, like updates on your latest promotions or helpful service tips.
Leave Your Callers Feeling Respected
Taking a little extra time to thoughtfully engage with callers while they’re on hold can make a big difference in their overall experience. With just a few simple strategies—acknowledging the wait, providing updates, and offering helpful information—you can turn a potentially frustrating experience into an opportunity to improve customer satisfaction.
A caller who feels respected and informed, even while on hold, is far more likely to leave your business with a positive impression. And that’s good for customer loyalty, good for your brand, and ultimately, good for your bottom line.