The caller experience begins here!
The caller experience begins here!
The customer experience begins as soon as someone calls your business. Are your callers met by outdated instructions or an amateur recording? How you handle inbound calls directly reflects your company’s image. Make a positive first impression and ensure a friendly greeting every time with Auto Attendant & IVR Voice Greetings; the most effective, consistent way to improve your first point of contact.
Whether you are a small organization looking for basic greetings and directory recordings, or a large scale call centre looking for a total IVR voice branding solution, we have services available in multiple languages for all size businesses and call centres that are proven to save you valuable time and money!
**Ask how Auto Attendant can help you promote your services to EVERY CALLER. Not just those waiting on-hold!
How do you benefit?
· Make a positive first impression
· Create a consistent brand image
· Help callers reach their destination more effectively
· Reduce stress and time commitment of employees

What you get with hpc:
· Professional copywriting
· Choice of multiple broadcast voice talents
· Word class audio production
· Digital file provided (mp3 or wav)